The Writing Tutor Announces Open Registration for the First eCourse in its Back to Basics Series

Released on = June 9, 2006, 7:26 pm

Press Release Author = The Writing Tutor Courses

Industry = Education

Press Release Summary = Good writing skills are required of anyone who wishes to
communicate effectively in an academic or business setting. Despite the importance
of good writing skills, many American schools teach little or no grammar. As a
result, many American students and young adults do not possess the skills necessary
to communicate well in academic or business settings.

Press Release Body = Deerfield, IL - Many American students have either never
learned grammar or have never learned it well enough to develop good writing skills.
Writing is a skill that can be developed at any age, but the prospect of learning or
relearning every grammar rule in the English language deters many prospective
learners. While grammar cannot be avoided if one really wants to develop good
writing skills, The Writing Tutor has developed an eCourse that focuses on the
grammar rules that are required in order to improve writing skills.

The first course in the Back to Basics series, Improving Sentence Structure, focuses
on the development of good sentence structure. A firm grasp of basic sentence
structure allows students to say what they mean in a way that others can easily

The Back to Basics series is designed to help students eliminate specific writing
problems by teaching them the grammar necessary to understand and recognize the
problem. The Writing Tutor breaks grammar lessons down into manageable components
and explains the material using a step-by-step, straightforward approach. The Back
to Basics series does not attempt to teach every grammar rule, but instead focuses
on the rules that are crucial to developing good sentence and paragraph structure.
Students are taught how to edit their own work so that they can correct errors
before completing a final draft.

Students who register for the eCourse are introduced to material using a series of
engaging onscreen examples and explanations, followed by practice questions,
quizzes, and writing assignments that reinforce the material. All lesson components
are completed online. The instructor is available for questions along the way and
reviews the first submission of each writing assignment. Most students will complete
the eCourse over a six-week period, but students can work at their own paces. Open
registration for Back to Basics 1: Improving Sentence Structure is underway.

All courses, materials, and resources offered by The Writing Tutor are written and
taught by a certified English/language arts teacher and are designed for students
and adults who wish to improve their writing skills. For additional information
about the course or to register, please visit

An independent study version of the class is also available. Contact for information about purchasing the book in either print or
electronic format.

About The Writing Tutor's founder:

Michele R. Acosta has an M.A. in education, a B.A. in communication/journalism, and
the equivalent of an undergraduate major in English. She is certified by the State
of Illinois to teach high school English and middle school language arts, has an
endorsement in journalism, has taught and advised high school student publications,
and has taught ACT preparation classes in addition to teaching high school English.

Acosta\'s primary areas of expertise include teaching writing skills and the writing
process to a wide range of ability/skill levels, ranging from a \"back to basics\"
review to the refinement of advanced writing skills.

Additional areas of expertise include teaching self-editing skills and reading
strategies, as well as developing the ability to think and write about literature or
content in other humanities-based disciplines.

The Writing Tutor complies with The Children's Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA).

Web Site =

Contact Details = Contact Information:
Michele R. Acosta
The Writing Tutor

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